Clinical Social Work-Therapist
"Attachment" ..... just more psychobabble, right? Well, no, not really. Since the 1950's, people have been interested in what "attachment" means when we're thinking about how to have relationships, of all kinds. Our very first relationship(s) are the ones that really form a foundation for our ability to relate to others, so the theory goes. Only now, there's a lot more research using brain-imaging techniques that help us "shrinks" know we're on the right track when thinking about attachment as an important part of helping people learn how to develop, maintain and thrive in relationships.
That's what I do.... Help people with their relationships, because that's what really makes life worth living, right? If you're not getting along with your spouse, or the zest has gone out of your sex life, well, that's depressing and not a lot of fun.
If you can't seem to get along with your kids, and you can't figure out how to motivate them, you feel bad. Or mad, or sad, or some unpleasant emotion. I help people with these and a lot of other problems, like depression, anxiety and trauma.
Relational Therapy
Bipolar Disorder
Anxiety or Fears