Clinical Social Work-Therapist
Prior to the initial session I ask clients to spend a few minutes writing down what they would like to change or accomplish. Two to three goal statements are usually sufficient. Experience and research have shown that therapy works best when the goals are specific and measurable. In the initial session I strive to create feelings of comfort and safety for the client while listening attentively. My style is active and engaging. It is my hope that at the end of the session clients leave with a clear sense of direction.
Although my method of choice is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), I also use Family Systems, Developmental Psychology and Transactional Analysis. I enjoy CBT's emphasis on collaboration with the client. Family Systems and Developmental Psychology offers a broader view and Transactional Analysis provides the client greater insight.
I am an affiliated provider with several Employee Assistance Programs. This allows eligible clients an opportunity to see me for a time limited number of sessions at no out of pocket cost. I also provide Substance Abuse evaluations for a fee.
Relational Therapy
Bipolar Disorder
Impulse Control Disorders
Psychotic Disorders
Alcohol Abuse
Anger Management
Attention Deficit
Trauma and PTSD